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My Open Source Projects

If you’ve been following my work lately, you may have noticed that I’ve been tinkering with a couple of open source projects that I’m really excited about. Today, I wanted to take some time to share them with you and explain what they’re all about.


First up is DateDreamer, a native JavaScript calendar library that I created to simplify the process of displaying calendars on a website. Whether you’re building a booking system, a scheduling app, or just need a way to display events, DateDreamer makes it easy to integrate pre-built calendar components into your project.

With DateDreamer, you can display a month calendar, or a range calendar that allows users to select a date range with ease. The library also includes helpful features like being able to specify the date format.

But DateDreamer isn’t just about making it easy to display calendars. It’s also designed to be highly customizable and extendable. You can tweak everything from the colors and fonts to the way dates are displayed. And if you need to add your own functionality, you can easily extend the library with your own code.


Next up is RestaurantGrades, a website that I created to help people in Louisville, KY find out more about the restaurants they frequent. The site uses open data provided by Louisville Metro Government to display food inspection grades and violations for local restaurants.

With RestaurantGrades, you can search for a restaurant by name or location and get detailed information about its inspection history. You can see what grade it received, what violations it had, and even see special notes about each inspection violations the restaurant received.

I created RestaurantGrades because I believe that open data can be a powerful tool for creating more transparency and accountability in our communities. By making this information easily accessible, we can help people make better decisions about where they eat and encourage restaurants to maintain high standards of cleanliness and safety.

Overall, I’m really proud of both of these projects and the impact they can have. Whether you’re a developer looking for a better way to display calendars, or a foodie looking for more information about your local restaurants, I hope you’ll find these projects useful. And if you’re interested in contributing to either of them, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

2024 | Coded with ❤️️ by Jorge Felico